Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Huge Haul: 4 Days Worth Of Outfits For $16!

As all shoppers know, sometimes we strike out on a given trip, but occasionally we have a serendipitous moment like I did on my most recent jaunt to my local thrift store. A strange but miraculous anomaly occurred as I have never in my life previously worn any type of colored jeans, skinny jeans, or acid wash jeans. However, on this fateful day my eye was magnetically and inexplicably drawn to a pair of purple acid wash skinnies. Actually finding jeans in my size (a rather rare occurrence at thrift shops) made me pause and pick them, thinking I would try them on and they wouldn't work. I then proceeded to find several adorable tops in coordinating colors to the jeans. Well, I tried those jeans on, fully expecting to hate them, and darned if they didn't fit perfectly! To my great surprise and delight, I left that day with a pair of purple skinnies and four tops for a grand total of 16 dollars! It was like finding a unicorn. :)

Have you every had that perfect shopping moment where the fit, style, and low price all alighn? I woul love to hear about it! Feel free to comment or email me. Black Friday is coming up; share your shopping victories!

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